Saturday, June 25, 2011

Belize con Novia

The week in Belize with Bryce was very fun but can't lie, I was very excited for Nicolette's arrival to Belize.  I basically hunkered down in Belize City at a hotel awaiting her arrival.  I spent three days lounging about there.  To pass the time I helped with an ongoing project the hotel owner had going.  Nancy the owner was decorating her roof deck with metal cutouts of various sea creatures and they all needed to be filed before being hung.  It was easy, simple work and prevented me from being a complete hermit.  I also met her main employee Jones who was a chill guy and we debated at that time over who would be in the NBA Finals. Really was enjoyable except for the fact the files were square and made it interesting trying to file curves smooth, but oh well.
One of the cutouts here.  Easily the most difficult I worked on, it's a seahorse by the way.
A view from the top of the hotel.  It was one of the highest points in the city.  Fun fact, same hurricane that created the split in Caye Caulker also destroyed so much of Belize City that they relocated the country capitol to Belmopan which is near central Belize.
Lounging after some filing.  Such a hard life I know.
Arrival day didn't come soon enough even with this relaxing environment.  I met her in the airport, well more so on the street as there is no official international arrival waiting room and we were off.  I'd done my best to put together an itinerary and first stop was Cayo.

Enjoying each others company and definitely not the beer from our hotel deck.
Our first adventure was the Actun Tunichil Muknal cave.  An old Mayan sacrificial cave where sacrificial offerings ranged from pottery to people.  This was our standard getup, headlamps were far superior to the candles I had in Guatemala.  It was an intense cave with the largest cavern I've ever been in termed 'the Cathedral'.  I'd have taken more pictures but my camera stopped working within 10 to 15 minutes of entering the cave.  Believe me though it was amazing.

This is the view looking out of the cave, deep in the jungle.
We went for an afternoon to the Mayan ruins Cahal Pech.  It was a small site, fun none the less.  We played frisbee in a courtyard in front of a Mayan temple, it seemed only fitting.

Found a small playground the same day, a see-saw provided a good amount of fun and laughter.

From Cayo, the jungle adventure city, we went to Placencia.  Great beaches as you can see.  It was fun getting there, specifically the bus transfers.  Our last transfer, the bus driver actually pulled over in front of a store and told us to get off and board the bus across the road since it was the one we needed.
This photo was actually taken a few steps out of our room.
The beaches looked like this up and down the coast. It was gorgeous and very fun to lounge about.  A little frisbee occurred here, in addition to the required sun bathing.

It was a great time swimming in the water, very warm.  Only thing is we caught some bad weather and it would get a little windy in the afternoon and make the water a little rough.  Not complaining of course, it is still the Caribbean.  We stayed close to a bar called the Tipsy Tuna which one night featured a Garifuna drumming presentation.  Enjoyable to watch but it became background music to the great view of the stars at night.

Our last stop on the Belize tour was Caye Caulker.  It would be an interesting travel day to get there since we were trying to time everything perfectly to not waste time in Belize City.  We caught a bus leaving Placencia around 6 am, transferred on a highway intersection and grabbed another bus.  The driver of this bus was moving with a purpose, thoughts of rollovers came to mind.  Our deadline was 10:30am in Belize City to catch the water taxi to Caye Caulker and avoid waiting for the 1pm.  Arriving in Belize City at 10:30ish we grabbed the 1st taxi we could, rushed through buying our tickets and were the last to board.  It was such a relief to make it on time.

Our time on Caye Caulker was great.  Enjoyed the split, sunsets, food, and drink.  We were able to get on the Raggamuffin snorkel trip as well.  This time around we saw two green sea turtles, in addition to the manatee, rays, sharks, coral, and fish.  It was great, not to mention the rum punch and ceviche were delicious again.  I'd provide pictures of this but I did not take my camera, only hers.  Great overall week it was.  It seemed rushed at times, and we accomplished a lot during the week, but it wasn't stressful.  Lots of new food sampled including snapper, grouper, barracuda, conch, and fry jacks.  I recommend fry jacks to anyone, as would she.  Especially stuffed with cheese, beans, jack spiced chicken or fish, with onions and salsa.  Now I'm hungry, sigh.  This will conclude my time in Belize.  I did have to leave but not much interesting in means of exiting the country.  Next up Honduras.  Later everyone, take care.

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