Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thanks and Farewell

Sad to say my trip is coming to an end and this will be my last post.  I no longer desire to be traveling but it has been an amazing trip.  My time spent volunteering to build a house for a family was unforgettable.  I strongly suggest that anyone with any inclination to do a volunteer project whether abroad or in your community, go for it.  It is very fulfilling to help others and know you are making a positive impact.  Not to mention the friends and memories you can make along the way.

Regarding my short backpacking trip, if it is something you can manage I would say do it. Whether it is a backpacking trip or vacation in a foreign country. It was quite an adventure to step outside of my normal comfort zone and experience other cultures.  Personally it reaffirmed what is important, what I actually need and do not need to enjoy my life.  I thank God for allowing me to travel as well as keeping me safe during.  Thanks to everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed.  If anyone plans on venturing to Central America and wants advice or just has questions email me at Take care everyone, hope to see you around.

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