Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Guate All Stars Pt. II

I had covered the Semuc pools excursion while in the area but that was only 1 of the 3 activities for the day. Still planned was to float the river by tube and go through the Semuc caves.  While the pools in the Semuc Champey park were incredible we still looked forward to these following activities.  Once again our guide came with us and it was just me and Bryce.  Not that I expected more, but the tubes for the river float were very small.
 A shot of the river from the bridge.  We put in the river just past that rock and floated for about 30 minutes down river.  We were very fortunate that it was so sunny for the pools and river float considering the previous day was cloudy with rain.
Oh hey Bryce and my foot.  Notice the size of the tube and his position in the water.  Not meant for guys our size.
Closeup of us after passing the bridge.  My hair looks like I haven´t used shampoo in a few days, which is completely possible.  Some typical routines have lost their regularity on my trip so far.

The river float was great, lounging in the sun and floating the river.  We had tried to spot a decent rope swing or tree branch to jump off into the water but no luck.  We did however notice a woman bathing in the river and washing her clothes.  Also a very common thing.  Last on the days activities were the Semuc caves.  Once again just me and Bryce and a guide which was actually perfect because it allowed us to move at the pace we wanted.
This would be the entrance, and exit to the cave.  It was a single path to a large cavern in the back with a few alternate paths along the way.

Into the darkness, we go.  This little light of mine....

 Bryce in the photo.  It was difficult taking pictures as the dust in the cave or smoke from the candles would be picked up by the camera flash.  Interesting at times, frustrating the rest.
Bryce and our guide, great face as usual.  Not to mention our guide is striking quite the pose.
We reached the cavern in the back which was rather spacious.  Took some photos before heading back.  I must be standing in a low spot because he is not taller than me.
I am wearing shorts under the water.

The caves were very fun and it was an incredible day overall.  Pools in the morning and afternoon, floated the river, and then caves later in the afternoon.  It had started to rain very heavily while we were in the caves, once again very fortunate on the weather.  Finished out the night with some cards and prepared for another travel day.  We had concluded our time in Semuc and would be off to Flores, Guatemala to venture into the Mayan ruins of Tikal. Semuc Champey is easily one of the highlights of my entire trip so far.  Hope all is well at home with everyone.  Really kicking myself for falling behind on this but it´s my own doing.  Take care, talk with you later.

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